Thursday, October 10, 2013

The students have been researching diseases and other ailments for Science. Here are a couple of pieces of their work.



Osteoporosis is most common to women. One out of two women gets osteoporosis. One out of eight men gets osteoporosis. Anybody can get this disease. The condition can be quite serious. Fractures can lead to pain, hospitalization, surgery and even death.

The risk of osteoporosis fractures can be reduced with lifestyle changes. Such as diets, exercise, and preventing falls.

When you get osteoporosis, falls, bending over, coughing, or even a sneeze can cause a fracture. Fractures are most common in the hip, wrist, and spine. When you get a fracture all the calcium and minerals escape and don’t usually return for a while. 

Osteoporosis occurs when the creation of the new bone doesn’t keep up with the removal of old bones.  It may also occur if you have parathyroid disease.  And the final way is if you have Turner Syndrome.

You can prevent osteoporosis by not smoking, and avoiding weight bearing exercises such as dancing, walking, and climbing stairs. You can also make sure you get enough calcium, vitamin D, and eating green leafy vegetables.

If you have osteoporosis and you are 5 years past menopause, have parathyroid disease, and if it is a women they can be given a Miacalcin injection.

Some medicines you could be given if you have osteoporosis:

Boniva: takes chances away from getting fractures in the hip  

Zoledronic Acid: prevention of getting osteoporosis

Porolia: also a prevention of getting osteoporosis (side effects: may lower blood level)

Alendroate (side effects may be: nausea, abdominal pain, inflamed esophagus but are less likely if medicine is taken properly

Risedronate same side effects apply

Ibandronate same side effects apply

                                                          Facts About Chickenpox


Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease that can spread really easily. Another name for Chickenpox is Varicella. Chickenpox is very dangerous for people with immune system problems, and almost everyone gets it by their adulthood. Here are the stages of Chickenpox, first, you get some sort of sickness (i.e. Fever), a few days after that sickness, you get a rash that really itches, finally, the rash turns into red spots that spread across the body. More than 6 million doses of chickenpox have been given to people around the world. Chickenpox is caused by the Varicella Zoster virus. Chickenpox spreads through the air from person to person. It takes about 10-14 days to get all the symptoms of chickenpox. It’s a common virus for children. You know that you will get chickenpox once you get a sickness. 90% of the people in a household who don’t have Chickenpox will get it. Chickenpox can cause problems with newborns. The rash might be the first sign of illness.

             By: Hunter Bowman and Cameron Chokas



By Andrew and Zach
Do you know what Ebola is?
Ebola is a hemorrhagic disease and affects the circulatory system. 
There are 4 different types of Ebola diseases
·         Bundibugyo disease
·         Sudan disease
·         Ta’I’ forest disease
·         Ebola disease
All these diseases are found in the same place which is Sudan and the Congo.
All of these diseases are hemorrhagic. The most common is Ebola. It travels through your blood.  When you get the disease, it blocks your body from fighting of the disease.   Men manly get the disease.  When you get to the hospital the therapists will check your blood because that is where the disease flows throw.  If you don’t get to the hospital you will die in months days or even hours.
The Ebola disease comes from mostly monkeys and other primates.  It spreads though close contact with the person. 
Some of the side effects are fever, headache, muscle aches, diarrhea and later on you get red eyes, vomiting, a rash and in and external bleeding.
No one knows what started the disease.
In 1995 Ebola hemorrhagic disease affected 300 people in Kikwit. Kikwit is also close to the Congo and 80% of the people died.  People call Ebola the nightmare disease.  Only 10 percent of the people who get Ebola survive..
Ebola is the most deadly disease.  It can only be stopped if there are no more hosts to feed on.  The disease is very painful

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